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作者:admin  时间:2024-07-02 17:41  人气:



Part A: General information on batteries

Information on the label of a battery shall comprise the following information regarding the battery:

1. informationidentifyingthemanufacturerinaccordancewith Article38(7);

2. the battery category and information identifying the battery in accordance with Article 38(6);

3. the place of manufacture (geographical location of a battery manufacturing plant);

4. thedateofmanufacture(monthandyear);

5. theweight;

6. thecapacity;

7. thechemistry;

8. the hazardous substances present in the battery, other than mercury, cadmium or lead;

9. usable extinguishing agent;

10. critical raw materials present in the battery in a concentration of more than 0,1 % weight by weight.

Part B: ymbol for separate collection of batteries



Part C: QR code

The QR code shall be in high contrast to the background colour and of a size that is easily readable by a commonly available QR reader, such as those integrated in hand-held communication devices.
















B部分:电池单独收集的符号     (尺寸要求见 第十三条 4点)









7. Manufacturers shall indicate on the battery their name, registered trade name or registered trade mark, their postal address, indicating a single contact point, and, if available, web and email address. Where that is not possible, the required information shall be provided on the packaging or in a document accompanying the battery. The contact details shall be indicated in a language or languages which can be easily understood by end-users and market surveillance authorities, as determined by the Member State in which the battery is to be placed on the market or put into service, and shall be clear, understandable and legible.




Article 38(6)

6.Manufacturersshallensurethatbatterieswhichtheyplaceonthemarketbearamodelidentificationandbatchor serial number, or product number or another element allowing their identification. Where the size or nature of the battery does not allow it, the required information shall be provided on the packaging or in a document accompanying the battery.







Labelling, marking and information requirements

Article 13

Labelling and marking of batteries


1. From 18 August 2026 or 18 months after the date of entry into force of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 10, whichever is the latest, batteries shall bear a label containing the general information on batteries set out in Part A of Annex VI.

2. From 18 August 2026 or 18 months after the date of entry into force of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 10, whichever is the latest, rechargeable portable batteries, LMT batteries and SLI batteries shall bear a label containing information on their capacity.

3. From 18 August 2026 or 18 months after the date of entry into force of the implementing act referred to in paragraph 10, whichever is the latest, non-rechargeable portable batteries shall bear a label containing information on their minimum average duration when used in specific applications and a label indicating ‘non-rechargeable’.

4. From18August2025,allbatteriesshallbemarkedwiththesymbolforseparatecollectionofbatteries(‘separate collection symbol’) as shown in Part B of Annex VI.

The separate collection symbol shall cover at least 3 % of the area of the largest side of the battery up to a maximum size of 5× 5cm.

In the case of cylindrical battery cells, the separate collection symbol shall cover at least 1,5 % of the surface area of the battery and shall have a maximum size of 5 × 5 cm.

Where the size of the battery is such that the separate collection symbol would be smaller than 0,47 × 0,47 cm, the battery does not need to be marked with that symbol. Instead, a separate collection symbol measuring at least 1 × 1 cm shall be printed on the packaging.

5. All batteries containing more than 0,002 % cadmium or more than 0,004 % lead, shall be marked with the chemical symbol for the metal concerned: Cd or Pb.

The relevant chemical symbol indicating the heavy metal content shall be printed beneath the separate collection symbol and shall cover an area of at least one-quarter the size of that symbol.

6. From 18 February 2027, all batteries shall be marked with a QR code as described in Part C of Annex VI. The QR code shall provide access to the following:

(a) for LMT batteries, industrial batteries with a capacity greater than 2kWh and electric vehicles batteries, the battery passport in accordance with Article 77;

(b) for other batteries, the applicable information referred to in paragraphs 1 to 5 of this Article, the declaration of conformity referred to in Article 18, the report referred to in Article 52(3) and the information regarding the prevention and management of waste batteries laid down in Article 74(1), points (a) to (f);

(c) for SLI batteries, the amount of cobalt, lead, lithium or nickel recovered from waste and present in active materials in the battery, calculated in accordance with Article 8.

This information shall be complete, up-to-date and accurate.

7. The labels and the QR code referred to in paragraphs 1 to 6 shall be printed or engraved visibly, legibly and indelibly on the battery. Where this is not possible or not warranted on account of the nature and size of the battery, the labels and the QR code shall be affixed to the packaging and to the documents accompanying the battery.

8. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 89 to amend this Regulation to provide for alternative types of smart labels for use instead of or in addition to the QR code, in view of technical and scientific progress.


9. Batteries that have been subject to preparation for re-use, preparation for repurposing, repurposing or remanu facturing shall bear new labels or shall be marked with markings in accordance with this Article, and containing information on their change of status in accordance with point 4 of Annex XIII, which shall be accessible through the QR code.

10.TheCommissionshall,by18August2025,adoptimplementingactstoestablishharmonisedspecificationsfor the labelling requirements referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 90(3).













如果电池的尺寸使得单独的收集符号小于0.47×0.47 cm,则电池不需要标记该符号。相反,应在包装上打印一个尺寸至少为1×1cm的单独收集符号。




a 对于LMT电池、容量大于2kWh的工业电池和电动汽车电池,第77条规定的电池护照;

b 对于其他电池,本条第1款至第5款提及的适用信息、第18条提及的符合性声明、第52条第(3)款提及的报告以及第74条第(1)款第(a)点至第(f)点规定的关于废电池预防和管理的信息;

c 对于SLI电池,根据第8条计算的从废物中回收并存在于电池活性材料中的钴、铅、锂或镍的量。






